Be prepared for bed with BEDS - Guidelines for sound sleeping

Posted by Peter Anania on 23rd Jan 2015

I’m one of “those people” that are absolutely unbearable to be around the day following a sleepless night. Guess what? I didn't sleep last night. So this should be fun…

This may be ironic, serendipitous, strangely coincidental, or all of the above (I can’t tell the difference in my current state,) but my job is blogging about the benefits of a good night’s sleep. I may be slightly biased when I speak on the topic of the importance of quality sleep, but it’s for good reason. The consequences of a poor night’s rest with me (and I can’t stress this enough) are crippling. From irritability and tunnel-vision to body aches and pains, I can feel (and others can observe) the aftermath every waking minute throughout my day. After years of combating numerous sleep disorders including sleep apnea with sleep-onset insomnia, I've created a set of guidelines to follow for sleeping effectively.

Be prepared for bed with BEDS

Yes, this is a reoccurring theme, I know, but it’s so VERY important in ensuring the highest quality sleep possible. Your best chances of ensuring It can be summed up using the BEDS method of ensuring quality restorative sleep.


Modern Bed

The B in BEDS stands for, well, beds. The number one factor in a restful and restorative sleep pattern is the bed on which you sleep at night. Always pick a high quality mattress,like the ones here at that will provide years of sleep support for you achieve the highest level of restorative sleep.

The E in BEDS is for eating. For the longest time I found it easiest to fall asleep on a full stomach. What I didn't understand is that for a deep, restorative sleep, your body should be sleeping a few hours after your last meal. Also, what you eat can alter your sleep cycles, as well.

Devices! For me, this is one of the hardest points to overcome every evening. I've written before about the effect of artificial blue light on the body’s circadian cycles, and I’ll keep on saying it. Keep the devices out of the bedroom, and keep yourself from picking them up for the evening hours before bed. 

At the end of the BEDS method is Stimulants. Hidden stimulants may be keeping you up. Coffee with dessert? That caffeine combined with the refined sugars in your sweets can keep you up for hours, keeping sleep onset out of reach until it's too late.

If you follow these as closely as possible, you will rarely have a groggy morning. If you didn't follow these guidelines, well… Read my next blog on combating fatigue.